Dimensions and Spacing
Space light fixtures to provide uniform distribution and illumination of roadways and sidewalks. Consider the locations of obstruction such as trees or billboards.
Height. Standard poles for sidewalks and bike facilities are 3–6 m. Light poles for roadbeds vary according to the street typology and land use. In most contexts, standard heights for narrow streets in residential, commercial, and historical contexts are between 6–10 m. Taller poles between 10 m and 12m are appropriate for wider streets in commercial or industrial areas
Spacing. The spacing between two light poles should be roughly 2.5–3 times the height of the pole. Shorter light poles should be installed at closer intervals. The density, speed of travel, and the type of light source along a corridor will also determine the ideal height and spacing.
The pole arrangement have below options:
1. Single Sided
When the width (W) of the road is nearly equal to the pole height (H), i.e. W = H then the poles are arranged in one side only. Generally pole height is available of 10 meter.
The span between two poles is equal to the road width.
2. Double Sided
When the width (W) of the road is nearly double the pole height (H), i.e. W = 2H then the poles are arranged along both sides in opposite to each other manner.
The span between two poles may not be equal to the road width.
3. Staggered Sided
When the width (W) of the road is nearly 1.5 times of the pole height (H), i.e. W = 1.5 H then the poles are arranged in both sides in zigzag manner.
The span between two poles may not be equal to the road width.
4. Central Verge pole arrangement
When the width (W) of the road is much greater than the pole height (H), i.e. W>>H then the poles are arranged in the central verge of the road. The luminaires are made to face towards both the road surfaces from the central verge.
The span between two poles may not equal to the road width.